Production of CO Gas as Fuel Through The Utilization of CO2 Greenhouse Gas and Fine Coal Solid Waste

Syukran Yazila, Muhammad Faisal, David Bahrin, Novia Novia, Muhammad Said


Utilization of Fine coal gasified with CO2 (Carbon dioxide) gas to produce CO (Carbon Monoxide) fuel is one effort to utilize coal waste and utilize CO2 greenhouse gas emissions. Testing was carried out at the Sriwijaya University Laboratory in Palembang with the aim of analyzing the production process of CO gas as fuel by utilizing the greenhouse gas CO2 through the gasification of fine coal solid waste and knowing and analyzing the influence of temperature, reaction time and CO2 gas debid on the Boundouard reaction on gas yields. CO and CO2. So we get the variable that produces the expected CO gas. The initial stage is to prepare 2.3 kg of fine coal and the grain size has been filtered to a size of <3mm or or mesh 8 – 18 then heated to a temperature of 500˚C with a time of 68 minutes 48 seconds for the carbonization process. Fine coal that has been carbonized is then reacted with CO2 gas in a heating furnace at variable temperatures of 300 ˚C, 400 ˚C, 450 ˚C and 500˚C and at a flow rate of 2.5 L/min, 5 L/min, 7.5 L/min, 10 L/min, 15 L/min. From 26 test samples, it shows that the best variable for producing CO gas is heating at a temperature of 500˚C with a CO2 reactor gas discharge of 5 L/min which can produce CO gas with a concentration of 208,586 ppm and CO2 gas is 357,703 ppm with CO & CO2 ratio is 0.583.

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